

Applying to jobs SUCKS. So let wrkaholic handle it.
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The community submitted 11 reviews to tell us what they like about Wrkaholic, what Wrkaholic can do better, and more.
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11 Reviews
David Rivera
1 review
Wrkaholic AI has been an absolute game-changer for me, and if I could sum up the experience in three words, it would be nothing short of 'Peace of Mind.' As an alpha tester, I witnessed the sheer power of this revolutionary tool. Wrkaholic AI worked its magic in just eight days, applying to over 200 jobs, complete with personalized cover letters for each application. The result? A flood of interest from prospective employers left my inbox buzzing with opportunities. Bethany, the brilliant mind behind Wrkaholic AI, deserves a standing ovation. Her creation not only streamlined the tedious job application process but also gave me the priceless gift of tranquility during what is typically a stressful ordeal. It's not just an AI; it's a game-changer, a stress-buster, and a career catalyst. A word of advice to future users: buckle up for the ride because Wrkaholic AI doesn't just open doors; it kicks them wide open. Prepare to be in demand, and be ready to respond promptly. My inbox was a testament to the incredible traction this AI generates, and swift responses are the key to maximizing the opportunities it brings. My rating? A solid 10/10. Wrkaholic AI isn't just a tool; it's a career ally. If you need to get back to work fast, Wrkaholic is essential in your overall strategy. Trust me, this is not just a recommendation; it's an endorsement from someone whose professional journey has been highly impacted by Wrkaholic AI. Don't just read this; act on it. Your career will thank you later.

Bethany Ren

Founder & Leadership at Wrkaholic.com

1 review
Well, maybe I'm biased since I built it. But our alpha test is what makes me so confident people will enjoy this product. Having witnessed every step of its development, I can honestly say that Wrkaholic is a game-changer in the world of job hunting. It's not just a product; it's a labor of love, designed to reduce the stress, anxiety, and frustration that often comes with searching for a job. The alpha test results speak for themselves. The success stories from our diverse group of participants are nothing short of remarkable. From landing interviews to securing job offers, Wrkaholic's AI-powered platform has proven its worth time and time again. What sets Wrkaholic apart is its unique blend of cutting-edge technology and human validation. The AI does the heavy lifting, automating the job application process with precision and speed. And the human reviewers add that personal touch, ensuring that each application is tailored to perfection. But it's not just about efficiency; it's about providing hope and confidence to job seekers. Wrkaholic is a beacon of light in a sometimes daunting job market. It's a tool that empowers individuals to take control of their job search and open doors they may have never considered. So, as the creator of Wrkaholic, I couldn't be prouder of what we've achieved. And while I may be biased, I'm also incredibly excited to share this product with the world. I truly believe that Wrkaholic has the potential to redefine the job search experience and bring joy back into the journey of finding meaningful employment. Give it a try and experience the future of job hunting for yourself. I think you'll be just as impressed as I am.

Mahir Rahman


1 review
Wrkaholic was able to send my resume and submit applications for over 60 targeted roles without me needing to manually fill these applications myself over the span of 5 days! It is definitely a time saver and I appreciate how efficient and accurate it was by targeting roles specifically to my seniority. They also have a resume rewrite service that has provided incredible insight into my older resume and has proven to get the attention of recruiters who looked at it.

Atharva Wandile

Data & Analytics

1 review
I had an outstanding experience utilizing this product. The AI-generated resume surpassed industry standards, featuring meticulously crafted bullet points. The applied job opportunities closely aligned with my target positions, and the system promptly sent follow-up emails. The team demonstrated great responsiveness and openness to feedback. I highly recommend this product to anyone seeking to streamline their job search process.

Piao Wang
Piao Wang
1 review
It’s an amazing software! It really helps my job searching and alleviate my anxiety. Great idea and product!

Wrkaholic is great. Applied to over 80 jobs that I hadn't yet applied to and helped me land 5 interviews. Easy to use and well tuned to what I'm looking for as a job hunter!

John Allen
Graphic Designer and Email Developer
1 review
Awesome! A great resource for getting my resume out for jobs I didn't even know existed.

Its a revolutionary tool for Job seekers, Makes it so easy during the Job Application Process

João Henrique Machado de Almeida

Data & Analytics at Aeroduto equipamentos industriais

2 reviews
good. i´d love to use. very good app, everyone should try.

Angelo Kitio
Data Scientist| Data Analys
1 review
it feels fresh and it is amazing