Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS

A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development
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What do people think of Tailwind CSS?

The community submitted 288 reviews to tell us what they like about Tailwind CSS, what Tailwind CSS can do better, and more.
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4.9/5All time (73 reviews)
Recently (15 reviews)

288 Reviews
Emmanuel Orji-Ihuoma
Frontend to Backend: Digital Excellence
1 review
It's quite easy to understand and with great documentation. Almost eliminates the need for .css files.

Constantin Wintoniak
Founder @fynk.com. B2B SaaS investor.
24 reviews
We're in the midst of building a complex, high-performance SaaS product alongside its associated marketing website, and TailwindCSS has been a pivotal asset. In my experience, it is one of the few tools with just the right combination of tools that allow for the use of utility classes while still streamlining some parts of the CSS using @apply to maintain consistency. Not only does it facilitate rapid prototyping, but TailwindCSS also makes it a breeze to develop UI components that are both aesthetic and performant. For teams looking to build sophisticated web products without getting bogged down in custom CSS intricacies, I can't recommend TailwindCSS enough. It's a powerful toolkit that delivers on its promise of efficiency and elegance.

Chris Sarca

Founder & Leadership at HTML & CSS Club

6 reviews
It's really easy to use and has many online resources.

Vladimir Nikolic
Founder of Workzone.io, Invoicing.to
3 reviews
Css reborn. I cant even remember how i lived without it!

Muhammad Roushan

Indie maker

9 reviews
Perhaps one of the best things that has happened for my Frontend career :P

Michael Eberharter
1 review
Fantastic CSS utility framework! I use it on all of my applications. TailwindUI is also a great source of inspiration when building components.

Dmitry Gulak
Software Engineer
3 reviews
In many of my projects, I don't even look at CSS anymore. AT ALL. The framework's utility-first approach and comprehensive documentation make it incredibly easy to style applications without ever writing a single line of custom CSS. The components and documentation surrounding Tailwind CSS are so well-designed that they allow me to release a product in just one day. It's a game-changer for rapid development and has significantly boosted my productivity.

Radoslav Stankov
CTO @ AngryBuilding
40 reviews
It is very flexible framework for building UI. Reduces the need for a lot of custom CSS + makes smaller CSS bundles.

Matheson Steplock
Home Automation and Tech
2 reviews
Just type what you think... and it just works, its intuitive

Johan Strömberg
Marketer and Builder
1 review
If you're looking for a quick and professional head start, Tailwind UI templates can be a game-changer. Just be prepared to invest some time in learning and customizing to avoid the homogeneity trap.