What are your Top one UX/UI Mistake to Avoid?

Gene Nemirovsky
4 replies
Something you wish your designer hasn’t screwed up.


Samantha Tan
Absolutely the most important thing is getting it in front of users and watching how they interact with your tool without your bias interfering. Also we are in the final hour of our launch and would greatly appreciate your feedback on our tool, Model Muse AI! Check it out and let us know what you think!
Gene Nemirovsky
@sam_tan7 Agree, both sides should test it. Sometimes, they hire you to interfere and tell them how to improve it. If that's not the case - do what they want, but don't be afraid to suggest. You are an expert.
Ruben Boonzaaijer
I'd say not listening for what your users actually want is the biggest mistake ps. ringly.io is currently still live, your support would mean a lot to us!
Gene Nemirovsky
@ruben_boonz absolutely! Thanks for sharing.