K points Experiment! How do activity points work?

Demetre Mildiani
20 replies
So I have been wondering how this K points work, Do you have any strategies on getting K points in a good amount of time? How is it calculated? Let's help each-other out:


Oleksandr Zhabin
I have another question on this topic. Why are these points needed?๐Ÿ˜…
JD Worcester
@oleksandr_zhabin Right? Same question here lol
Demetre Mildiani
@oleksandr_zhabin good question, yeah what Ruden said
Demetre Mildiani
@ruben_boonz I guess it's the same a streak, it's just more proof that you are an active participant
Demetre Mildiani
@jd_worcester haha, points, streak, actually don't do anything
Demetre Mildiani
Please post and will upvote and comment on your post and please tell me how many points you get in return.
Samantha Tan
Iโ€™m not entirely sure how they work with the algorithm but I found mine start to go up far more when I was engaging in continuous discussions with people in both their and my own discussion posts. Getting lots of genuine engagement seems to move the needle on k points faster.
Demetre Mildiani
@sam_tan7 Ofcourse, I can see that as well, I wish I understood the mechanics a bit better tho. then you know what is essential and what is not essential wouldn't you agree?
Samantha Tan
@demetre_mildiani1 yeah me too! I understand why PH isnโ€™t super upfront about their algorithm but it would be nice to have a little more clarity for new comers to the platform.
Demetre Mildiani
@sam_tan7 haha, true we need one of the inders here to at least give us a hint haha
Umar Saleem
Increase your activity and try to interact with different community members this will result in increase of kitty points
Demetre Mildiani
@umar_saleem Ofc Umar but doesn't that sound too general? what do you think?
Umar Saleem
@demetre_mildiani1 haha, this is the only thing a user can do, and when a community member supports your feedback that will result in an increase of Kitty points.
Demetre Mildiani
@umar_saleem Yes, but it's so vague still, you know, I guess it's good that people don't know exactly how to get points or they would spam hardcore, still I would appreciate if there was more information, vague goals are not great
JD Worcester
@umar_saleem Super helpful, thank you. What does this cat nip get you? What can you use it for?
Demetre Mildiani
@jd_worcester cat nip gets your cats drunk and for humans it reduces stomach pain, hehe
Ruben Boonzaaijer
It is basically a measure on how active you are, and how many upvotes you get ps. ringly.io launch is live today
Demetre Mildiani
@ruben_boonz supported, makes sense, @producthunt please give us a hint on what makes the most points