I coded 3 years without feedback 😂

Jami Tanskanen
6 replies
So the idea started 3 years back when I had school project but no one to ask help for (schools were remote cuz of covid and I just started university + no chatgpt haha). I decided to take dad help me build app where people can casually list all their problems and connect with people who wanna help all in same place. After chat gpt was introduced it kind of replaced our app (it still works for those bigger assignments because real human still better in many things). But then I realized after seeing comments all over internet that people wanna collaborate with others to start building together projects and take their ideas to action with people who see their vision (or together come up with idea and start building it). I realized there was no this concept on internet the same way we had built that you can list your idea/project on app as task card and gather interested people to same team and instantly jump into collaboration room with videocalls, chat, mindmap, drawing, calendar, text-editor, post forum and so on. You can build your own team around your idea or join existing teams. In following updates will be donation systems and % ownerships to projects so you earn shares of different ideas/projects for skills you bring to teams. Beta launch in few weeks! Finally now after 3 years one investor told me that I gotta get users like tomorrow if I wanna get their money😅 Now I’ve got over 20 people interested in and yesterday one tester from US told me that he will bring all his team to our app from Discord because on our app it’s more for project working and not like group chat. Thanks for reading and I’m happy if you have time to share your thoughts :)


Have you scheduled a launch in ProductHunt for your app yet? (Finnish btw?😄 )
Jami Tanskanen
@joonatanvanhala onks sul kokemusta launchista? Onks tähän appiin wörtti laittaa focusta markkinoinnin näkökulmasta?
Jami Tanskanen
@joonatanvanhala Joo suomesta! En oo kyl viel tehny tota schedulee. Pitää vähän tutustua paremmin tähä appiin eka :D
@jami_tanskanen Launchataan Stocklea uudemman kerran Betan jälkeen ensi viikolla niin osaan ehkä sitten sanoa paremmin, vielä paha tässä kohtaa sanoa paremmin että millaisia hyötyjä on 😄
@jami_tanskanen Nice! Joo kannattaakin hiukan preppailla ennen launchia :D
Jami Tanskanen
Pitääks siis tehdä tällä personal tilillä joku tuote johon asettaa launchi päivä? Ihan uus account ni ei vissiin ees vielä mahollisuutta siihen. Toivotaan et nyt nappaa tokal launchilla äijällä! Meikällä beta launchi tulossa kans.