How to boost your Product Hunt launch with effective Twitter strategies

Aman Wen
4 replies
Hello, creators and innovators! Your big day on Product Hunt is almost here and trust me, the buzz you create on Twitter can work like magic. I’ve gathered some heart-to-heart advice based on what’s worked wonders for other passionate makers like you. Let’s get your labor of love the spotlight it deserves! 🔢 Countdown with Personality A week before D-day, start a countdown. But not just any countdown—make it resonate with your project’s mojo. Share teasers, relatable moments and quotes that reflect your journey. Let your followers feel the pulse of your excitement! 🏷 #HashtagHeartbeat Invent a hashtag that’s all yours, something that winks at your brand’s charm. Whenever you tweet about your launch, make that hashtag your signature sign-off. 🤗 Network Like It’s a Block Party Direct messages may sound old-school, but personal invites to your network can bring that cozy ‘I’m in this with you’ vibe. As for your Twitter fam, ask them to share your journey. A nudge from real relationships can make a world of difference. 🌈 Unleash Visual Pizzazz Twitter can feel like a wall of words sometimes. Break through with visuals that pop and say ‘hello’ in your own voice. Whether it’s a quirky GIF or a heart-thumping preview video, give them a glimpse of your project’s soul. 🎉 Reward the Re-tweeters Who doesn’t love a good celebration? Kick off a mini Twitter party. Get creative – offer a fun prize or recognition for those who share your launch post the most. 🕒 Timing is Everything Tweet when the world’s listening. There’s no magic hour (wish there was!), but timing your posts when your audience is scrolling is key. If you’re unsure, lunch hours and evenings are good bets. 🎈 Keep it Real Automation can be tempting, but keep a hands-on approach, especially when it’s game time. Personal responses add that human touch robots just can’t replicate. 📌 Your Top Tweet Pin your mega announcement about your Product Hunt debut right at the top of your feed. It’s like the shiny balloon at the party that everyone notices first. 🔗 No Link Left Behind Sometimes Twitter doesn’t play nice with direct links. So, be smart: guide followers to a neat landing page that leads the dance straight to your Product Hunt page. 🤳 Show Some Tweet-Love You’re going to get shoutouts—sharing them makes your supporters feel seen and keeps the ball rolling. Plus, it shows you're about more than just your own news. 💬 Conversations, Not Monologues Every @mention is somebody reaching out for a high-five. Don't leave them hanging! Chat with your followers like they're the old friends cheering you on. 💌 Thank You Notes in the Digital Age When your launch day wraps, take a moment to express your heartfelt thanks. A grateful tweet or two can touch hearts and leave a lasting impression. Remember, Twitter's more than just top-trending hashtags or viral content—it's the personal, relatable experiences that bond you with your audience. Can't wait to see you all shine on Product Hunt! Sending you all the positive vibes. 🥳🎈


Ruben Boonzaaijer
Great advice thanks!
Juliette BEGUE
Thank you for the detailed advice! According to what I can read, everything is about community. Build a strong relationship with your audience seems to be the key.
Aman Wen
Launching soon!
Absolutely, @juliettebegue_! It's all about nurturing that human connection and creating a space where people feel valued. Establishing a community where everyone can share, grow, and support each other is truly rewarding—both for you and your audience. And on a similar note of building connections, we're launching on Product Hunt soon. It's all about providing peace of mind with top-notch website monitoring and security, ensuring your digital home is always welcoming for your community. We'd absolutely love your support as we take this step on Product Hunt. Feel free to hit "Notify Me" to stay in the loop. Your support means the world to us! 🐻🌐🔔