How are you able to achieve 100+ days streak?

Tried doing alarms every day before lol


In fact, alarms worked so far so good for me :)
Uladzislau Rymasheuski
Actually, almost every day someone sends me link to their launch to have a look at their product - that helps me to keep streaking so far :)
Apurva Desai
Iโ€™ve enjoyed learning from and connecting with everyone! Iโ€™ve also become slightly addicted to checking Product Hunt 10 times a day๐Ÿ˜… Would love to connect if we havenโ€™t already! Let me know what youโ€™re working on, Iโ€™d be happy to support you!๐Ÿ™
Boris Markarian
This is just my daily routine. Before work, I dedicate 1-2 hours to PH and then get to work. I actually enjoy doing this as there are so many great products out there.
Gurkaran Singh
Wow, achieving a 100+ days streak is quite the accomplishment! Consistency is key, but remember, even the most dedicated need a good snooze button every now and then. Keep up the great work! ๐Ÿš€
Ted Schaefer
just set PH to your homepage my dude ๐Ÿ˜‰