Rohit Joshi

Rohit Joshi

👨‍💼 Founder & 📖 Storyteller.
766 points
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Rohit Joshi
Rohit Joshi
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Great Points Olena, and I really like this one Selling vitamins vs pain killer
Olena Bomko
Why do startups fail? The most common reasons ⬇️
Rohit Joshi
Rohit Joshi
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Congrats Shreya, keep it up
Shreya Gupta
100 day streak 🚀🎯
Rohit Joshi
Rohit Joshi
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Non-active users who just engage by purchasing upvotes should be banned
What's one thing you would like to see improved on Product Hunt?
Rohit Joshi
Rohit Joshi
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Boost your business with Generative AI
JD Worcester
Share your startup's tagline/slogan? 🚀
+1 comment
Rohit Joshi
Rohit Joshi
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Great tip shared Ghulam
Ghulam Abbas
How to get featured on Product Hunt? Pro Tips 🚀💡
Rohit Joshi
Rohit Joshi
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That's really awesome, will defiantly try it out
Need your feedback for Product Hunt analytics
Rohit Joshi
Rohit Joshi
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Social media is the best way to promote businesses online.
Ghulam Abbas
What is the best way to promote small businesses online?
Rohit Joshi
Rohit Joshi
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Sure X:
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
Let's connect on LinkedIn or X 👋
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
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