Md Maruf Adnan Sami

Md Maruf Adnan Sami

Hard work can bring a smile to your face
User Referral ( Free )Chrome Custom InterfaceSync Posts
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Md Maruf Adnan Sami
Sync Posts is a WordPress plugin that allows you to sync posts from another website using a URL. With this plugin, you can easily import Post Title, Content, Content Images, Post Tags, Categories, and Featured Images.
Sync Posts
Sync Posts
Copy Posts from any WordPress Website
Md Maruf Adnan Sami
Chrome Custom Interface is a Google Chrome extension that allows you to personalize your new tab interface. With this extension, you can change the default Google Chrome logo on the new tab page to your own custom logo and add shortcuts.
Chrome Custom Interface
Chrome Custom Interface
Change your Google Chrome new tab interface and shortcuts.
Md Maruf Adnan Sami
User Referral plugin is a powerful and user-friendly WordPress plugin that allows you to easily implement a referral program on your website. With User Referral, you can incentivize your users to refer new customers to your site.
User Referral ( Free )
User Referral ( Free )
Points, Rewards, Loyalty, Leader Board & Referrals Plugin