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Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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Shreya Gupta
100 day streak!!! 🚀
Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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I am active in the morning, and at night I want to sleep.
When are your most productive?Morning Person or Night Owl ?
Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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The entire team provides customer support in their free time. But I want to give full support.
Daniel Engelke
Who does customer support at your startup and why?
Daniel Engelke
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Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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Success is measured in customers and their reviews.
How do you measure success in your projects?
Vlad Goncharov
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Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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At a remote time, you can chat or watch something together in some voice channel.
Andaç Akarsu
How do you stay connected and feel part of the team when working remotely?
Andaç Akarsu
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Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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During the launch, send me a link on LinkedIn, I will vote for you!
Julien Crepieux
We are launching tomorrow! What will you do?
Julien Crepieux
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Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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I'm using AI in my Ixy app. Before that I tried using Chatgpt
Jose Rodríguez
What AI Productivity tools do you use?
Jose Rodríguez
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Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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I also think like everyone else that cats really have “character”
Ena Gluhakovic
If animals could talk, which one would be the rudest?
Ena Gluhakovic
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Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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I voted for your product! Good luck!
Launched an AI Product Today!😏
Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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I'm just trying to focus on work.
Omar Faruk
How do you deal with the anxiety during those first 4 hours of launch?
Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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IXORD ( 🚀💥😎
Casper Brix
What's your favorite task management tool?
Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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1. Clients. 2. Advertising. 3. Development.
Marie Dean
What are the top 3 things you need to survive?
Igor Lysenko
Igor Lysenko
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I would choose a house in any situation
Daksh Tyagi
If you had the option to work anywhere in the world, what would you pick?