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Alex AI
Alex AI
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I was travelling 50 days ago. And I missed by some minutes to visit PH And I lost a 84 day streak. Nowadays should be like 135
Business Marketing with Nika
What are the most common reasons one can lose the PH streak? 🔥
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Alex AI
Alex AI
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Twitter Twitter Twitter Oooo I forgot - Twitter
My3 Murthy
Solopronuers- what’s your biggest source of business?
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Alex AI
Alex AI
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SEMrush No one is close
Özgün Can Kaya
Keyword analysis and research for SEO works
Özgün Can Kaya
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Alex AI
Alex AI
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Kickstarter for AI tools/SaaS products.
Business Marketing with Nika
How would you describe PH to someone who has never heard about this platform? 😀
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Alex AI
Alex AI
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The best is daily but is a little bit hard to mantain So 1 time weekly is more than okay
Business Marketing with Nika
How often do you send newsletters (frequency)? 📬
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Alex AI
Alex AI
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For communication - Telegram and Slack Videos - Loom Meetings - Google Meet
Marvin Mändle
How would you connect your remote workers?
Marvin Mändle
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Alex AI
Alex AI
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Always Twitter And it's not even a question
Business Marketing with Nika
Social media: You can have only one. Which one will you choose? + WHY?
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