What would you do if there was no internet for 24 hours?

Simona O'Neill
47 replies
No mobile broadband, wireless, fiber... total data blackout! Would you go outside, stay in, sleep for the whole 24h maybe? 😂 Would you freak out or be happy to get a break from the digital world? What kind of impact do you think it would have on your business, work and personal life?


Joseph Natoli
Touch grass 🙃🫱🌿
Ruben Boonzaaijer
@joseph_natoli AppBliss looks great! I'm notified! ps. ringly.io is live today your support would help us out a lot
Business Marketing with Nika
Lost my streak. 😀 OK, jokes aside. Probably exercised, met with friends, read books, and tried to learn something new (not using the internet). Time flies so fast and when you keep yourself busy, 24 hours is not so much time. 🙂
Simona O'Neill
@busmark_w_nika haha yes we’d all lose our steaks, but the nice things about it is that all of us would be back to zero 😆. And yes 24h isn’t much and there are so many things to do.
Simona O'Neill
@busmark_w_nika I would check myself into a beauty salon. Get my hair and nails done, a nice facial, massage… Do a bit of clothes shopping, then get dolled up and go out for a nice dinner and drinks somewhere. Get home, record some music in the studio and have a laugh with my husband. Haven’t done that in a while now so would absolutely love it 😊.
Lost my PH streak😀
Alvaro Villalba Perez
Now I'd just play music on my old iPod or even play the guitar. But I'm guilty... in the past whenever I've had 30 minutes of no internet I've played some offline mobile games😂
Simona O'Neill
@alvarovillalb_ hahaha forgot about the offline gadgets 🤣I would definitely play some piano and guitar too ☺️
Paolo Go
Without Internet I'm jobless, so I would spend the day cooking, walking, and doing some real world things instead of being all the time in front of my screen
Simona O'Neill
@access24 Love that ! What would you cook? 😃
Michael Shver
Since my job depends on the internet, I'd get some free time to relax and recharge! I don't think that my work would be seriously damaged by one day off, but I'd get more time to share with loved ones. Although, it kinda depends on what day. It would be really inconvenient to get power off tomorrow, since we are launching tomorrow 😂
Simona O'Neill
@michaelshver Awm cool! Big day tomorrow so 👏🤩! Yes that would be really bad news to get just before your launch 😅And yes I do think that without the internet we are better versions of ourselves. I am always on my laptop or my phone and I do know that I’d be a much better mom if I wasn’t in my online world as much. 🥺
Priyanka Saini
Yayyy , Read books, go for a lunch & dinner with my friends. Shopping and sleeping.
Igor Lysenko
I would read books and receive information, I am a person who cannot live without information.
Hossein Yazdi
I'd play offline games! :D
Umar Saleem
I would prefer to sleep for the whole 24 hours 😂😂
Boris Markarian
I think it will be amazing. No stress, no worries. I'll sleep, eat, read and do some sport. Recently, I started to enjoy flying on airplanes without internet connection, because I fell more relaxed, don you have this feeling?
Simona O'Neill
@boris_moris44 Yes absolutely! I really do think that too. Although, I wouldn't be able to do what I do now. I think a good balance is a must! :-)
Without the internet for 24 hours, I'd seize the opportunity to reconnect with nature, perhaps through a long hike or a day at the beach. It's a refreshing reminder of the world beyond our screens.
i'll just sleep for 24 hours
Aqsa Javed
If there were no internet for 24 hours, I'd probably spend the time catching up on reading some physical books or doing some offline writing. It might also be a good opportunity to go for a long walk or engage in some other outdoor activities. Disconnecting from the digital world for a while can be refreshing and allow for some much-needed relaxation and reflection.
James Poster
If there is no internet for 24h, then I will go out with my friends(or gf) :). Walking along the street, have some funny chat.... anyway I will do everything that cannot do perfectly on internet.
I want to go for a walk in the park, water the plants, go for a ride, etc.
Ashley from Shadow
Code the internet LOL
George Burmistrov
Read the books I've been buying for the last three years :D
Simona O'Neill
@burmistrov Any specific genre you like? I love thrillers and suspense novels 🤓
George Burmistrov
@simona_o_neill3 I'm into horror and fantasy stories :D There's a series of H. P. Lovecraft stories illustrated by François Baranger. I've been craving to read them with his art, but they're still in their protective film...
Maria Anosova 🔥
Spend time with family and friends in pleasant walks in beautiful places
Maxim Yurevich
That would be a great day!) I don't suffer without the internet at all, a chance to live without the information noise. I would go hunting and spend time alone with nature and my dog.
Simona O'Neill
@max_yurevich_itmh Hunting? Cool, what do you normally hunt? I have two hunting type dogs - Golden Retriever and Cocker Spaniel :-)
Maxim Yurevich
@simona_o_neill3 I usually go bird hunting with my favorite dog. German Shorthaired Pointer. We hunt all kinds of game, but bird is our priority. The dog works out perfectly and the hunt is extremely romantic and beautiful!