Level Supermind

Level Supermind

Supercharge your mind with meditations, mind-muscle workouts, mindful music, and sleep stories - all built into 1 big game
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Level Supermind was ranked at #4 Health & fitness for 2022
#4 Health & fitness Product of the Year
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What is Level Supermind?
Release your stress and get focused with relaxing meditations, and sleep like a baby with our premium sleep stories. Build muscles, get more flexible, track your steps, and gain control over your mind & body with a range of no-equipment fitness routines. Set daily intention, write down your life goals, express gratitude, boost self-awareness & increase productivity with the daily journal choices. Enjoy your work with focus & improved creativity with our mindful music. Get better control over your thoughts and push away distractions using easy breathwork practice.
AI note-taker that's truly intelligent

Recent launches

Level Supermind
Unleash your mind’s potential through our Guided Meditations, Music, Sleep Stories, Home Workouts, Journals & more! Build daily habits that enhance your mental performance, improve memory, focus, and creativity with science-backed tools.